
In remote areas in Haiti most women do not have any access to regular prenatal care during their pregnancies or postpartum period. There are high rates of malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies; many suffer needlessly and die from treatable conditions such as preeclampsia. Countless more babies and mothers die each year as a result of complications that arise during childbirth, and lack of access to proper medical care during and immediately after delivery.
Prenatal Clinic
Nurses hold a prenatal clinic once a week where pregnant women from all over the village can come and be seen. Women are registered in the program and come once a month to get a physical and have their vital signs checked. These women are monitored for potential complications and treated for medical conditions as needed. The goal of this program is to catch complications and illnesses before they become life-threatening. Each woman is given an ultrasound during their pregnancy and access to deliver their baby with a nurse or a midwife.
Prenatal Vitamins
Partnering with Vitamin Angels, women are provided with essential vitamins and minerals needed for their growing baby. “Prenatals help support healthy pregnancies, prevent anemia, promote fetal growth, and ensure that babies are born at a healthy birth weight. They are crucial to the health and survival of the growing baby and to the health and well-being of the mothers.” -Vitamin Angels 2021
Midwife Support
In rural Haiti most women give birth at home with their family or with the help of a midwife. Midwives are crucial to reaching women who would never otherwise go to a hospital for care. Their work prevents countless mother and infant deaths. They are also crucial in recognizing early warning signs and coordinating outside care. We have assembled a team of midwives from the surrounding villages of Baie d’Orange who meet monthly to participate in training. We provide these midwives with Clean Birth Kits that help ensure a safe and sanitary delivery.
Emergency Care
Not all emergencies can be prevented. Countless times per week women are brought to the clinic and it is often too late for either the mom or the baby. Partner Haiti has funds available for emergency transportation and medical care at the closest hospital. We help women with preeclampsia, placenta previa, and other life threatening emergencies get the care they need. Our recently purchased ambulance has already helped save countless lives!