Rose’s Story

Last week, a young woman named Rose came to our nurse for help. She was 8 months pregnant and in excruciating pain. After examining her and talking to a doctor on the phone, they knew it was urgent to send her to a hospital. The only problem, there was no way for her to get there. Nurse Joel called every ambulance service within 5 hours of him and no one could come. The helicopter service couldn’t come because the weather was bad. Rose had 2 options: stay where she was and probably lose the baby and lose her own life, or make a 3 hour trip on a motorcycle and most likely lose the baby. She and her family made the very brave decision to ride down the rough mountain on the back of a motorcycle. The driver drove as gently as he could but also tried to get there quickly because the mother was fading fast.  

Almost every week I hear a story like this. I talk with Joel during these emergencies, pray from afar, and stand behind him and his staff as they do what they can to help their people. Often times the stories don’t have the happy ending we desire. Working in such a rural place you see things most people can’t even imagine.

That’s why when I saw that Rose AND her baby made it I jumped for joy! Rose was rushed into an emergency c-section and the doctor was able to save both mom and baby. Rose was all smiles as she rode back into her village on that very same motorcycle that took her to the hospital just days before.  

This is why Partner Haiti was founded - to make sure people like Rose have a chance to come home with their babies.


We Have an Ambulance!


End of the year recap